Teaching Hypnobirthing isn’t just a job.  Its a passion.  I deeply care about the parents I work with, as I am sure most Hypnobirthing and antenatal teachers do.

It can also be a journey filled with different emotions.  You have to connect with the antenatal teacher you have, if you’re really going to enjoy the sessions and take something from them.  So my first session is always focussed on breaking down any misconceptions about Hypnobirthing.

  • It is not just for pool births.
  • It is not just for drug-free births, you can still use it if you have an epidural.
  • It can be for caesareans as well as vaginal births.
  • Its not just for home births.
  • I am not anti midwife or doctor and definitely not anti-medicine.

As we move through the course, conversations can raise some worries or fears or anxiety’s that parents may have.  Sometimes these are deep-rooted and take additional time to talk through.  At other times parents may not have even known they felt nervous and the discussions make them realise this.

That’s when our Hypnobirthing practice comes into play.  Working through these fears.  Understanding that we can’t control birth. Discussing the team we help to build, alongside our caregivers and our birth partner. 

And then we have the last session where we talk about the birth itself.  Sometimes people tear up when we talk about the moment your baby enters the world.  Before your baby is born, there is so much focus and thought about the labour itself. People very often, haven’t considered that actual moment of joy as baby is born.

As my classes close and we say our goodbyes, it always feels incredibly emotional.  I still haven’t fully got my head around being able to hug clients, which is something that used to happen so naturally pre-covid.  So there’s an awkward pause and I leave it to the parent.  Sometimes its the dad-to-be or birth partner who comes over and gives me a hug.  Green-lighting to everyone that it is fine to do that.

And then the lingering.  Nobody really wants to say goodbye, nobody wants the sessions to end – despite the fact that 4 weeks of listening to me seems like a lot of listening when people begin their course! 

And then sometimes the exclamations.  “I’m actually feeling really excited about my birth now”, “I’ve never felt excited”, “I hope other people don’t try to break my confidence and positivity”.

I walk home on air, filled with all the oxytocin and happiness and hope for these parents-to-be.

I feel excited, excited for the magic that they have to lo look forward to in becoming parents….because it is a miracle, however it happens.  And I look forward to that text or email with their happy news, their baby’s picture and their birth story.

Sometimes those birth story’s are magical. Often, they have many twists and turns. More often than not, they have gone nowhere near the birth plans that paved their way. 

However, I feel proud to say that 95% of the parents I support feel positively about their birth and the care they received.  That is Hypnobirthing and that is also thanks to our amazing midwifes and doctors.

For those that don’t feel that way, there is extra time spent talking things through when they feel ready.  Helping them to heal and grieve the birth plan that didn’t happen. Trying to make sure they can process everything to prevent any postnatal mental health issues and also sometimes being there if those arise.

And so, you see….being a Hypnobirthing teacher is not just being present in those classes.  For me, it is a journey that I have the privilege of sharing with each parent-to-be. 

It might not be my baby, but each parent gets a bit of my heart…..and that is a very special job to have.

Interested in Hypnobirthing Classes?

Are you having a baby? If you would like me to support you my Hypnobirthing classes are taught in groups and privately.  Please get in touch via whatsapp 07763 729987 or email and please leave your number because my emails like to go into peoples junk folders – a curse for a small business.

My business may be small, but I want the difference I make to be big.

Hypnobirthing – Its Not Just Teaching Antenatal Classes
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