Epidural birth isn’t always top of the wishlist for Hypnobirthing parents. I work hard to ensure that expectant parents realise that there is nothing wrong in using comfort measures. We are, in fact, fortunate to have these at our disposal. Getting through your birth experience feeling happy and supported, means far more than whether you did it with or without drugs.

There is nothing wrong with hoping for a certain kind of birth. However, Hypnobirthing is not about epidural birth versus drug free birth or vaginal birth versus caesarean birth. It focuses on your options and understanding. It helps to reduce fear through education – by birthing brighter.

Jess came to me for a Hypnobirthing course with her first baby. She moved away since having him, but still came back for a Refresher course for her second baby. The refresher course was taught virtually. This meant they didn’t need to worry about childcare for their little boy and could relax during our session.

Jess is a huge Hypnobirthing advocate. She speaks so highly of the techniques they learnt first time around. Her practice, passion and belief in the difference that it made are testament to her positive birth experiences. Jess knew that a positive birth didn’t mean drug free or only homebirth. It could be achieved wherever she was, with the support of her partner and caregiving team. She was also realistic that your birth plan can change, yet you can still have options.

Here is her empowered epidural birth story:

Early Labour

There were a few signs that labour was imminent. I had been experiencing surges and some sickness for two days. But when I woke up to surges at 2am and they became increasingly intense I knew this was it! My husband ran me a bath but laying down was not helping at all, so I got out to pace the floor and squat through them. I had my Freya app playing the whole time. This really helped me get in the zone and stay relaxed. 

This continued for hours. I was getting tired where I couldn’t lay down so I started using my birthing ball. I spent the whole morning kneeling on a cushion and leaning over the ball, rolling backwards and forwards through the contractions. 

My husband came up with the idea of using our sons bean bag sofa to sit on because it’s soft and low. So I sat on the edge in a squat position to help me dilate and continue to lean over on the birthing ball. I managed to doze off for about 20 minutes. When I woke up to another surge I realised I had started bleeding heavily. I called delivery suite to let them know and they agreed I should go in so they could check on baby. Thankfully her heartbeat and movements were all in the normal range, so I continued to labour in triage while we waited for a room.

The Importance of Birth Environment

This is where it really became clear how amazing hypnobirthing is and how much your environment makes a difference. We were in triage for quite a long time. I was starting to struggle, but as soon as they got us into one of their suites with lovely dim lights, a birthing pool and a beautiful tree mural, everything changed. I was so much more calm, even laughing and talking between surges again. With each one I was saying to myself ‘this is easy, you can do this!’, which really helped. 

Due to the blood loss, I had agreed that they could monitor baby more closely. They weren’t happy with her heart rate. They started expressing doubts around me having a water birth without monitoring. I knew that they had wireless telemetry. However, by this point I hadn’t properly sat down for around 7 hours and my legs and arms were really aching from constantly standing and leaning over through my surges. I was also experiencing intense shaking and some vomiting. I decided to opt for an epidural so that I could get some rest.

Changing My Birth Plan

From there it took around another 4 hours until I was fully dilated. One of the doctors came in and suggested forceps due to my epidural. Thankfully because of my sessions with Leanne, I was confident this wasn’t necessary straight away. I decided to decline forceps and try on my own initially. 

I had been trying to let the epidural wear off slightly. I wanted to be able to feel the sensations, and it was incredible. After just three surges and a few minutes she was out!

Born at 1:47am, almost 24 hours after that first surge, we cuddled skin to skin for the next 3 hours before she weighed in at a tiny but perfect 6lb 3oz. 

An epidural birth – my way!

Thank You

Our family is complete! Thank you Leanne for all of your help and advice. Because of you I had two labours that, although they weren’t my dream water births, were extremely positive and something I will never forget! 

I’m just so happy that we met you. I remember I got in touch with another teacher who couldn’t see us in the end, so she referred us to you. I know it sounds cheesy but I feel like it was fate, because we just got on so well and it was a great fit for us.

To book a Pregnancy Relaxation class or Hypnobirthing course with Brighter Birthing in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire or Bedfordshire please click here

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